Sweet Capsicum – Red Dream F1

$114.00$3,782.00 inc. GST

  • A vigorous red capsicum seed variety with consistent blocky shape fruit
  • Fruit has thick walls providing excellent firmness
  • Strong plant provides excellent cover for fruit
  • Has shown strong ability to set fruit under hot conditions in trials to date
  • Lower instance of blossom end rot than standard varieties in trials to date
Disease Resistance IR: Tm 0, Nematodes M. incognita race 3 (R), Xcv 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9
Notable Trait Strong fruit setting ability
Fruit size Approx. 10cm x 9cm
Fruit shape Blocky shape
Pack sizes available 500 seeds, 5,000 seeds, 25,000 seeds

Red Capsicum